by Jon Gary Steele

Jamie and Claires carriage. Set Decorator Gina Cromwell rented this carriage from London, had our drapery men reupholster the whole interior and prop builders did work on the body of the carriage then scenic artist repainted the whole thing.
by Jon Gary Steele

This photo show the different stone work the carpenters and the plaster team have added in the Paris Apartment Court. Once this is done the Scenic artist come in to start the many layers of paint and aging. Then we stand back and look at it and decide if it needs more aging or not. Sometimes we add built in shadowing to help with the look.
by Jon Gary Steele

This photo shows the Plaster men and Carpenters pouring the concrete into forms of the courtyard space.
The plaster men bought many different sizes of cobbles and we looked at all of them and then picked what we thought looked the most like 18th century Paris streets. Then Alex the plaster man extraordinaire made a 4ft.x4ft. layout of the cobbles and then made a mold of this and then they stamped the concrete to make our court look like a real 18th century Parisian cobbled courtyard.They did a great job.
by Jon Gary Steele

More Courtyard walls going up. Notice the wooden joist/I beams that are sticking out from the three french door cutout area, these will hold up the balcony for Claire and Jamie to walk out onto and overlook the court. I think I this point we had already poured the concrete cobbles but they are cover with plastic and I will talk about that more later.
by Jon Gary Steele

This photo show the carpenters bringing prebuilt walls into the Paris Apartment courtyard. A lot of the time the carpenters will have multiple walls being built in the construction department, it sometimes looks like a factory. Then the will load up the walls and truck them to the stages. Then they will place they walls and start putting on all the beautiful detail work.
by Jon Gary Steele

This is the outside walls of the Paris apartment set, the oval section is the staircase. All the metal pipes are put up by the rigging team, these are put up on the outside of the set to make all the walls and ceiling pieces structurally sound. The metal grid also give light crew something to rig all the lighting equipment to.The ramp to the left is for crew and camera access, this way cameras and prop carts and equipment can be easily rolled up to the different apartment rooms.